
Monday, December 21, 2015

B Vitamins Help You Enjoy The Fun

As we approach the festive season we indulge in great meals and traditional libations. While preparing theses meals for friends and family please include as many organic ingredients as possible and stay away from non-organic processed foods. A big part of the fun is in the preparation of great recipes handed down from prior generations and the creative new ones that utilize all the wonderful foods available to us.
Vitamin Bs are essential nutrients that are needed every day. Our bodies do not store them so we must supply them on a daily basis. When we include alcohol in our festivities our B vitamins can become depleted. With depletion comes the possible effects of fatigue, stress, irritability, depression and a general lowering of our mental and emotional well being.
This is a good time to supplement your diet with Mountain Rescue Nutrients' B Complex. Naturally Occurring, MRN B Complex is the closest thing to the foods that contain these essential nutrients. The concentrated nutrients in our B Complex come from Spinach, parsley, holy basil, shiitake, Indian and star gooseberry.
B vitamins are important in breaking down carbohydrates, fats and proteins producing energy for every cell. They also work as an antioxidant to fight against free radicals in the blood, support cell structure and the nervous system.
Foods that contain B vitamins also include:
Broccoli, beets, turnips, mustard greens, asparagus, romaine lettuce, lentils, snapper, chicken, turkey, shell fish, eggs to name a few.
Enjoy the company of family and great friends during the holidays and enjoy the nourishment of every meal. Make sure to hydrate and exercise every day!

Boulder Medical Center article "Nutrition Recommendations For Those Who Consume Alcohol",
The World's Healthiest Foods article "Foods Rich in B Vitamins: For Heart and Mind"
Dr Brownstein, Natural Way To Health, Achieving & Maintaining Your Optimal Health, Vol. 8 Issue 1 Jan 2015

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